
(Co)-author of more than 460 publications, including about 170 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, over 100 peer-reviewed conference papers as well as over 40 book chapters. Selected publications are given below.

ResearchGate profile
GoogleScholar profile
LinkedIn profile


  1. Ivanov D. (2024) Introduction to Supply Chain Analytics. Springer Nature, Cham, ISBN 978-3-031-51240-7.
  2. Ivanov D. (2023) Einführung in die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Lieferkette: Management, Modellierung, Technologie, Springer Gabler, Berlin, ISBN 978-3031251856.
  3. Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2021) Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A decision-oriented introduction into the creation of value, Springer Nature, Cham, 3rd Ed., ISBN 978-3-030-72331-6.
  4. Ivanov D. (2021) Introduction to Supply Chain Resilience, Springer Nature, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-70490-2.
  5. Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2019) Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A decision-oriented introduction into the creation of value, Springer Nature, Cham, 2nd Ed., ISBN 978-3-319-94312-1
  6. Ivanov D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2017) Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A decision-oriented introduction into the creation of value, Springer Nature, Cham, 1st Ed., ISBN 978-3-319-24217-0. *
  7. Ivanov D. (2017) Supply Chain and Operations Simulation with AnyLogic.
  8. Ivanov D. (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) Supply Chain Simulation and Optimization with anyLogistix:  get here updated PDF file (Edition 2020)


* Nominated by German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) for Textbook Award 2018

Monographs and edited books

  1. MacCarthy, B., Ivanov, D. (Eds) (2022). The Digital Supply Chain. Elsevier, ISBN: 9780323916141.
  2. Dolgui. A., Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. (Eds) (2022). Supply Network Dynamics and Control. Springer, ISBN: 9783031091780.
  3. Sokolov B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. (Eds) (2020). Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. Springer, New York, ISBN 978-3-030-43176-1
  4. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (Eds) (2019). Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, ISBN 978-3-030-14301-5
  5. Ivanov, D. (2018). Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management. Springer, New York, ISBN  978-3-319-69304-0.
  6. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. (2010). Adaptive Supply Chain Management, London et al., Springer, ISBN 978-1-84882-951-0.

Special Issues

  1. Chen, W., Choi, TM., Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Pesch, E. (2025). Digital manufacturing and supply chain: creating benefits through operations research and artificial intelligence. Annals of Operations Research,
  2. Ivanov, D., Chen, W., Coit, DW, Altay, N. (2024). Modeling and Optimization of Supply Chain Resilience to Pandemics and Long-Term Crises. IISE Transactions, 56(7).
  3. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Brintrup, A., Chen, W., Shen, B., Paul, SK (2024). Design and management of energy-efficient and energy-resilient supply chains.  International Journal of Production Research, 62(24).
  4. Ivanov, D., Guo, Z., Shen, B., Chang, Q. (2024). Analysis, Optimization, and Collaboration in Digital Manufacturing and Supply Chain Systems. International Journal of Production Economics (VSI).
  5. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Blackhurst, J., Choi, TM. (2023). Viability of Supply Networks and Ecosystems: Lessons Learned From COVID-19 OutbreakInternational Journal of Production Research, 61(8).
  6. Ivanov D., Keskin B (2023). Post-pandemic adaptation and viability of supply chains. Omega (VSI).
  7. Choi, TM., Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Pesch, E. (2022). OR and analytics for digital, resilient, and sustainable manufacturing 4.0. Annals of Operations Research, 310(1).
  8. Rai, R., Tiwari, MK, Ivanov D. & A. Dolgui (2021) Machine learning in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 applications. International Journal of Production Research, 59(16).
  9. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2021). Ripple Effect and Supply Chain Disruption Management: New Trends and Research Directions. International Journal of Production Research, 59(1).
  10. Ivanov D. Blackhurst, J., Das, A., (2021). Supply Chain Resilience and its Interplay with Digital Technologies. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 51(2).
  11. Frazzon, E.M.., Freitag, M., Ivanov, D. (2021). Intelligent Methods and Systems for Decision-Making Support: Toward Digital Supply Chain Twins. International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102281.
  12. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2020). Exploring supply chain structural dynamics: New disruptive technologies and disruption risks. International Journal of Production Economics, 229.
  13. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2020). Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control: Specal Issue IFAC TC 5.2 and MIM 2019 Conference. Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 49.
  14. Choi T.-M., Ivanov D. (2020). Special Issue on Operations Research Models for Supply Chain Finance, International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(5).
  15. Ivanov D., Das, A., Choi T.-M. (2018). Special Issue on New Flexibility Drivers in Manufacturing, Service, and Supply Chain Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 56(10).
  16. Ivanov D., Mason S., Hartl R. (2016). Special Issue on Supply Chain Dynamics, Control and Disruption Management, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1).
  17. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A. (2013). Special Issue on Intelligent Information and Product Technologies for Supply Chain Integration, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 8(1-3).


  1. Ivanov, D. (2025). Literature review on the stress tests developed and applied in non-food supply chains. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2025,, JRC139968.

Journals with peer-review (see more full texts at ResearchGate and GoogleScholar)

Area „Supply chain risks, structural dynamics and ripple effect“
  1. Ivanov D. (2024). Transformation of supply chain resilience research through the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Production Research, 62(23), 8217-8238.
  2. Dolgui, A., Gusikhin, O., Ivanov, D., Li, X., Stecke, K. (2024). A Network-of-Networks Adaptation for Cross-Industry Manufacturing Repurposing. IISE Transactions, 56(6), 666-682.
  3. Jin, S., He, Y.,  Ivanov, D., Chen, W. (2024). To Act or Wait: The Impact of Disruption Duration Estimates on Manufacturer’s Response Strategies. IISE Transactions,
  4. Ivanov D. (2024). Cash flow dynamics in the supply chain during and after disruptions. Transportation Research: Part E, 185, 103526.
  5. Ivanov D. (2024). Exiting the COVID-19 Pandemic: After-Shock Risks and Avoidance of Disruption Tails in Supply Chains. Annals of Operations Research, 335,  1627-1644.
  6. Ivanov, D., Chen, W., Coit, DW, Altay, N. (2024). Modeling and Optimization of Supply Chain Resilience to Pandemics and Long-Term Crises. IISE Transactions, 56(7), 683-684.
  7. Schleifenheimer, M., Ivanov, D. (2024). Pharmaceutical retail supply chain responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Operations Research,
  8. Li, S., He, Y., Huang, H., Lin J., Ivanov, D. (2024). Supply Chain Hoarding and Contingent Sourcing Strategies in Anticipation of Price Hikes and Product Shortages. IISE Transactions, 56(7), 746-761.
  9. Kravchenko K., Gruchmann T., Ivanova, M., Ivanov, D. (2024). Responding to the ripple effect from systemic disruptions: Empirical evidence from the semiconductor shortage during COVID19. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 6(4), 354-375.
  10. Brusset X., Ivanov, D., Jebali, A., La Torre, D., Repetto, M. (2023). A dynamic approach to supply chain reconfiguration and ripple effect analysis in an epidemic. International Journal of Production Economics, 263, 108935.
  11. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A. (2022). The shortage economy and its implications for supply chain and operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 60(24), 7141-7154.
  12. Rozhkov, M., Ivanov, D., Blackhurst, J., Nair, A. (2022). Adapting supply chain operations in anticipation of and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Omega, 110, 102635.
  13. Ghadge, A., Er, M., Ivanov D., Chaudhuri, A. (2022). Visualisation of ripple effect in supply chains under long-term, simultaneous disruptions: A System Dynamics approach. International Journal of Production Research, 60(20), 6173-6186.
  14. Hosseini S., Ivanov D. (2022). A Multi-Layer Bayesian Network Method for Supply Chain Disruption Modelling in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Production Research, 60(17), 5258-5276.
  15. Queiroz M.M., Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Fosso Wamba S. (2022). Impacts of Epidemic Outbreaks on Supply Chains: Mapping a Research Agenda Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic through a Structured Literature Review. Annals of Operations Research, 319, 1159-1196.
  16. Pavlov A., Ivanov D., Werner F., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2022). Integrated detection of disruption scenarios, the ripple effect dispersal and recovery paths in supply chains. Annals of Operations Research, 319, 609-631.
  17. Ivanov D. (2021). Supply Chain Viability and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conceptual and Formal Generalisation of Four Major Adaptation Strategies. International Journal of Production Research, 59(12), 3535-3552. [#1 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2021/2022].
  18. Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2021). OR-Methods for coping with the ripple effect in supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic: Managerial insights and research implications. International Journal of Production Economics, 232, 107921.
  19. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2021). Ripple Effect and Supply Chain Disruption Management: New Trends and Research Directions. International Journal of Production Research, 59(1), 102-109.[#2 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2021/2022].
  20. Gupta V., Ivanov, D., Choi, T.-M. (2021) Competitive pricing of substitute products under supply disruption. Omega, 101, 102279.
  21. Ivanov, D. (2020). Predicting the impacts of epidemic outbreaks on global supply chains: A simulation-based analysis on the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) case. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 136, 101922.
  22. Burgos, D., Ivanov D. (2021). Food Retail Supply Chain Resilience and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Digital Twin-Based Impact Analysis and Improvement Directions. Transportation Research – Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 152, 102412.
  23. Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2020). Viability of Intertwined Supply Networks: Extending the Supply Chain Resilience Angles towards Survivability. A Position Paper Motivated by COVID-19 Outbreak. International Journal of Production Research, 58(10), 2904-2915. [#1 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2020-2021].
  24. Li, Y., Chen, K., Collignon, S., Ivanov, D. (2021). Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain Network: Forward and Backward Disruption Propagation, Network Health and Firm Vulnerability. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3), 1117-1131.
  25. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2020). Exploring supply chain structural dynamics: New disruptive technologies and disruption risks. International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107886.
  26. Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Rozhkov M. (2020). Does the ripple effect influence the bullwhip effect? An integrated analysis of structural and operational dynamics in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 1285-1301. [#1 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2020].
  27. Gupta V., Ivanov, D. (2020) Dual sourcing under supply disruption with risk-averse suppliers in the sharing economy. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 291-307.
  28. Ivanov D. (2020) “A blessing in disguise” or “as if it wasn’t hard enough already”: Reciprocal and aggravate vulnerabilities in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 58(11), 3252-3262.
  29. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2020) Simultaneous structural-operational control of supply chain dynamics and resilience. Annals of Operations Research, 283(1), 1191-1210.
  30. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Serova, E., Yusupov, R. (2020). Combined approach to the complex objects control and stability analysis of management decisions. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 23 (1), 106-118.
  31. Ivanov D. (2019) Disruption tails and revival policies: A simulation analysis of supply chain design and production-ordering systems in the recovery and post-disruption periods. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 127, 558-570.
  32. Hosseini, S., Morshedlou, N., Ivanov D., Sarder, MD., Barker, K., Al Khaled, A. (2019). Resilient supplier selection and optimal order allocation under disruption risks. International Journal of Production Economics, 213, 124-137.
  33. Pavlov A., Ivanov D., Pavlov D., Slinko A. (2019). Optimization of network redundancy and contingency planning in sustainable and resilient supply chain resource management under conditions of structural dynamics, Annals of Operations Research,
  34. Ivanov D., Dolgui, A. (2019) Low-Certainty-Need (LCN) Supply Chains: A new perspective in managing disruption risks and resilience. International Journal of Production Research, 57(15-16), 5119-5136. [#3 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2019].
  35. He, J, F Alavifard, D Ivanov, Jahani H. (2019). A real-option approach to mitigate disruption risk in the supply chain. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 88, 133-149.
  36. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. (2018) Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain: An Analysis and Recent Literature. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 414-430 [#8 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2018].
  37. Ivanov D. (2017) Simulation-based ripple effect modelling in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 55(7), 2083-2101.
  38. Ivanov D., Pavlov A., Pavlov D.,Sokolov B.(2017). Minimization of disruption-related return flows in the supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 503-513.
  39. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B., Ivanova M. (2017). Literature review on disruption recovery in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20), 6158-6174.
  40. Ivanov D.(2017) Simulation-based single vs dual sourcing analysis in the supply chain with consideration of capacity disruptions, Big Data and demand patterns. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 11(1), 24-43.
  41. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A., Dolgui A., Pavlov D.(2016). Disruption-driven supply chain (re)-planning and performance impact assessment with consideration of pro-active and recovery policies. Transportation Research: Part E, 90, 7-24.
  42. Gianesello P., Ivanov D., Battini D. (2017). Closed-loop supply chain simulation with disruption considerations: A case-study on Tesla. International Journal of Inventory Research, 4(4), 257-280.
  43. Ivanov D., Mason S., Hartl R. (2016). Supply Chain Dynamics, Control and Disruption Management, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 1-7.
  44. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Hartl, R., Dolgui, A., Pavlov, A., Solovyeva, I. (2015). Integration of aggregate distribution and dynamic transportation planning in a supply chain with capacity disruptions and ripple effect considerations. International Journal of Production Research, 53(23), 6963-6979.
  45. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A. (2014) The Ripple effect in supply chains: trade-off ‘efficiency-flexibility-resilience’ in disruption management, International Journal of Production Research, 52:7, 2154-2172.
  46. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A. (2014) Optimal distribution (re)planning in a centralized multi-stage network under conditions of ripple effect and structure dynamics, European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 758-770.
  47. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov, A. (2013) Dual problem formulation and its application to optimal re-design of an integrated production-distribution network with structure dynamics and ripple effect considerations: International Journal of Production Research, 51(18), 5386-5403.
  48. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2012) Structure dynamics control approach to supply chain planning and adaptation, International Journal of Production Research, 50(21), 6133-6149.
  49. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Kaeschel J. (2010) A multi-structural framework for adaptive supply chain planning and operations control with structure dynamics considerations, European Journal of Operational Research, 200(2), 2010, pp. 409-420.
Area „Supply chain and operations planning"
  1. Kim, B., Ivanov, D., & Yoon, J. (2024). Improving product safety in an international agrifood supply chain. Journal of the Operational Research Society,
  2. Liu, Y., Shen, B., & Ivanov, D. (2024). Life can’t be too sweet: the effects of sugar-sweetened beverage labelling on the government’s health battle. International Journal of Production Research, 1–25.
  3. Liu, Y., Shen, B., & Ivanov, D. (2024). Product upgrade and advanced quality disclosure in a supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 198, 110693.
  4. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Brintrup, A., Chen, W., Shen, B., Paul, SK (2024). Design and management of energy-efficient and energy-resilient supply chains.  International Journal of Production Research, 62(24), 8921-8923.
  5. Yuan, P., Sun, J. & Ivanov, D. (2024). Manufacturer encroachment and carbon reduction decisions considering cap-and-trade policy and retailer investment. Frontiers in Engineering Management 11, 326–344.
  6. Pournader, M., Narayanan, A., Keblis, MF, Ivanov, D. (2024). Decision Bias and Bullwhip Effect in Multiechelon Supply Chains: Risk Preference Models. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 9229-9243.
  7. Rolf, B., Jackson, I., Müller, M., Lang, S., Reggelin, T., Ivanov, D. (2023). A review on reinforcement learning algorithms and applications in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 61(20), 7151-7179.
  8. Jahani H., Jain R., Ivanov D. (2023). Data Science and Big Data Analytics: A Systematic Review of Methodologies Used in the Supply Chain and Logistics Research. Annals of Operations Research,
  9. Meier O., Gruchmann, T., Ivanov, D. (2023). Circular supply chain management with blockchain technology: A dynamic capabilities view. Transportation Research: Part E, 176, 103177.
  10. Babai M.Z., Ivanov, D. , Kwon, O.K. (2023). Optimal Ordering Quantity under Stochastic Time-Dependent Price and Demand with a Supply Disruption: A Solution Based on the Change of Measure Technique. Omega, 116, 102817.
  11. Yousefi Sarmad, M., Pishvaee, M.S., Jahani, H.,  Khaksar, S.M.S., Ivanov D. (2023). Integrated planning for a global pharmaceutical supply chain: an ambidexterity perspective. Annals of Operations Research,
  12. Lukinskiy, V., Lukinskiy, V., Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Bazhina, D. (2023). A probabilistic approach to information management of order fulfilment reliability with the help of perfect-order analytics. International Journal of Information Management, 68, 102567.
  13. Homayoonia, Z., Pishvaee, M.S., Jahani, H., Ivanov, D. (2023). A robust-heuristic optimization approach to a green supply chain design with consideration of assorted vehicle types and carbon policies under uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research, 324, 395-435.
  14. Yang, C.-H., Ma, X., Talluri, S., Ivanov, D. (2023). Optimal Core Acquisition and Remanufacturing Decisions with Discrete Core Quality Grades. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(11), 3792-3811.
  15. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. (2020) Reconfigurable supply chain: The X-Network. International Journal of Production Research, 58(13), 4138-4163.
  16. Dolgui, A., Ivanov D. (2020) Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control: IFAC TC 5.2 past, present and future. Annual Reviews in Control, 49, 258-263.
  17. Choi T.-M., Ivanov D. (2020). Operations Research Models for Supply Chain Finance, International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(5), 2263-2269.
  18. Alavifard F., Ivanov D., He J. (2020). Optimal divestment time in supply chain re-design under oligopoly: Evidence from shale oil production plants. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(5), 2559-2583
  19. Alavifard F., Jie F., He J., Ivanov D. (2019). An utility-adjusted newsvendor model. International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 154-165.
  20. Alavifard F., Sy M., Ivanov D. (2019). Optimal overbooking strategies in the airlines using dynamic programming approach in continuous time, Transportation Research: Part E, 128, 384-399.
  21. Ivanov D., Das, A., Choi T.-M. (2018). New  flexibility drivers in manufacturing, service, and supply chain systems, International Journal of Production Research, 56(10), 3359-3368.
  22. Zschorn L., Müller S., Ivanov D. (2017). Capacity planning on key work stations in a hybrid MTO-ETO production system: A case-study on Siemens AG, International Journal of Inventory Research, 4(2-3), 214-232.
  23. Ivanova M., Kaeschel J., Ivanov D. (2015) Analysis of the order recovery point location in the supply chain, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 9(4), 329-342.
  24. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Käschel J. (2011) Integrated supply chain planning based on a combined application of operations research and optimal control, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 19(3), 219-317.
  25. Ivanov D. (2010) A framework for aligning (re)planning decisions on supply chains strategy, design, tactics, and operations. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 48, No. 13, pp. 3999-4017.
Area „Scheduling"
  1. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Chen W., Dolgui, A., Werner F., Potryasaev S. (2021). A control approach to scheduling flexibly configurable jobs with dynamic structural-logical constraints. IISE Transactions, 53(1), 21-38.
  2. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Sethi S.P., Sokolov, B. (2019). Scheduling in production, supply chain and Industry 4.0 systems by optimal control. International Journal of Production Research, 57(2), 411-432 [#8 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2019].
  3. Sokolov B., Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D. (2018). Optimal control algorithms and their analysis for short-term scheduling in manufacturing systems. Algorithms, 11(5), 57
  4. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Sokolov, B. (2018). Scheduling of recovery actions in the supply chain with resilience analysis considerations. International Journal of Production Research, 56(19), 6473-6490.
  5. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A., Solovyeva,I., Jie, F. (2016). Dynamic recovery policies for time-critical supply chains under conditions of ripple effect. International Journal of Production Research, 54(23), 7245-7258.
  6. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B., Werner F. (2016). Schedule robustness analysis with the help of attainable sets in continuous flow problem under capacity disruptions, International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 3397-3413.
  7. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2016). Robust dynamic schedule coordination control in the supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 94(1), 18-31.
  8. Sokolov B., Ivanov D., Potryasaev S. (2016). Flexible flow shop scheduling for continuous production. International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing, 2(2), 189–203.
  9. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Dilou Raguinia, E.A. (2014) Integrated dynamic scheduling of material flows and distributed information services in collaborative cyber-physical supply networks, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 1(1), 18-26.
  10. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2013) Dynamic coordinated scheduling in the supply chain under a process modernization, International Journal of Production Research. 51(9), 2680-2697.
  11. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Dolgui, A. (2013) Multi-stage supply chain scheduling in petrochemistry with non-preemptive operations and execution control, International Journal of Production Research, 52(13), 4059-4077.
  12. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B. (2012) Dynamic supply chain scheduling, Journal of Scheduling, 15(2), 201-216.
  13. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Dolgui, A. (2012) Applicability of optimal control theory to adaptive supply chain planning and scheduling, Annual Reviews in Control, 36, 73-84.
Area „Resilience, Viability and Networks"
  1. Ivanov, D. (2025). When is the supply chain resilient? Customer and operational perspectives. International Journal of Production Research, 1–16.
  2. Ivanov, D. (2025). Comparative analysis of product and network supply chain resilience. International Transactions in Operational Research,
  3. Mosayebi, M., Fathi, M., Hedayati, MK., Ivanov, D. (2024). Time-to-Adapt (TTA). International Journal of Production Economics, 278, 109432.
  4. Ivanov D. (2024). Supply Chain Resilience: Conceptual and Formal Models Drawing from Immune System Analogy. Omega, 127, 103081.
  5. Echefaj, K., Cherrafi, A., Charkaoui, A., Gruchmann, T. and Ivanov, D. (2024). Firm survivability during long-term disruptions: an adaptation-based view. Supply Chain Management, 29(6), 978-995.
  6. Gruchmann, T., Stadtfeld, GM, Thürer, M., Ivanov, D. (2024). Supply chain resilience as a system quality: survey-based evidence from multiple industries. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 54(1), 92-117.
  7. Aldrighetti, R., Calzavara, M., Martignago, M., Zennaro, I., Battini, D., Ivanov, D. (2024). A methodological framework for the design of efficient resilience in supply networks. International Journal of Production Research, 62(1-2), 271-290.
  8. Ruel, S., El Baz J., Ivanov, D., Das, A. (2024). Supply Chain Viability: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Nomological Validation. Annals of Operations Research, 335, 1107-1136.
  9. Ivanov D. (2024). Lead time sensitivity of product availability in supply chain resilience analysis. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 17(2), 101-119.
  10. Sindhwani, R., Jayaram, J., Ivanov, D. (2024). Meeting economic and social viability goals in regional airline schemes through hub-and-spoke network connectivity. Annals of Operations Research,
  11.  Echefaj, K., Charkaoui, A., Cherrafi, A., Ivanov, D. (2024). Design of resilient and viable sourcing strategies in intertwined circular supply networks. Annals of Operations Research,
  12. Ivanov, D. (2024). Two views of supply chain resilience. International Journal of Production Research, 62(11),  4031-4045.
  13. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Blackhurst, J., Choi, TM. (2023). Toward supply chain viability theory: from lessons learned through COVID-19 pandemic to viable ecosystemsInternational Journal of Production Research, 61(8), 2402-2415.
  14. Aldrighetti R., Battini D., Ivanov D. (2023). Efficient resilience portfolio design in the supply chain with consideration of preparedness and recovery investments. Omega, 117, 103841.
  15. Ivanov, D. (2023). Design and deployment of sustainable recovery strategies in the supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 183, 109444.
  16. Ivanov D., Keskin B (2023). Post-pandemic adaptation and development of supply chain viability theory. Omega, 116, 102806.
  17. Chervenkova, T., Ivanov, D. (2023). Adaptation strategies for building supply chain viability: A case study analysis of the global automotive industry re-purposing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research: Part E, 177,103249.
  18. Ruel, S., El Baz, J., Ivanov, D., Azadegan, A. (2023). Can organizational legitimacy stimulate digitalization and affect operational performance? The impact of COVID-19 on uncertainty in supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (5), 100880.
  19. Hägele S., Grosse, E., Ivanov, D. (2023). Supply chain resilience: a tertiary study. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 16(1), 52-81.
  20. Ivanov D. (2023). Collaborative emergency adaptation for ripple effect mitigation in intertwined supply networks. Annals of Operations Research,
  21. Ivanov D. (2022). Viable Supply Chain Model: Integrating agility, resilience and sustainability perspectives – lessons from and thinking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Operations Research, 319, 1411-1431.
  22. Ivanov D. (2022). Probability, adaptability and time: some research-practice paradoxes in supply chain resilience and viability modelling. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 15(4), 454-465.
  23. Ivanov D. (2022). Blackout and Supply Chains: Performance, Resilience and Viability Impact Analysis. Annals of Operations Research, DOI : 10.1007/s10479-022-04754-9.
  24. Hosseini S., Ivanov D. (2022). A new resilience measure for supply networks with the ripple effect considerations: a Bayesian network approach. Annals of Operations Research, 319, 581-607.
  25. Paul, S.K., Chowdhury, P., Chakrabortty, R.K., Ivanov, D., Sallam, K. (2022). A mathematical model for managing the multi-dimensional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in supply chain of a high-demand item. Annals of Operations Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-022-04650-2.
  26. Ardolino M., Bacchetti A., Ivanov D. (2022). Analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on manufacturing: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. Operations Management Research, 15, 551-566.
  27. Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2022). Stress testing supply chains and creating viable ecosystems. Operations Management Research, 15, 475-486.
  28. Ivanov D. (2022). Lean Resilience: AURA (Active Usage of Resilience Assets) Framework for Post-COVID-19 Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(4), 1196-1217.
  29. Stewart M., Ivanov D. (2022). Design Redundancy in Agile and Resilient Humanitarian Supply Chains. Annals of Operations Research, 319, 633-659.
  30. Hosseini S., Ivanov D., Blackhurst J. (2022). Conceptualization and measurement of supply chain resilience in an open-system context. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6), 3111-3126.
  31. Aldrighetti R., Battini D., Ivanov D., Zennaro I. (2021). Costs of resilience and disruptions in supply chain network design models: a review and future research directions. International Journal of Production Economics, 235, 108103.
  32. Ivanov D. Blackhurst, J., Das, A., (2021). Supply Chain Resilience and its Interplay with Digital Technologies: Making innovations work in emergency situations. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 51(2), 97-103.
  33. Hosseini S., Ivanov D. (2020). Bayesian networks for supply chain risk, resilience and ripple effect analysis: A Literature Review. Expert Systems with Applications, 161, 113649.
  34. Ivanov D., Das A. (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2) and supply chain resilience: A research note. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 13(1), 90-102.
  35. Hosseini S., Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2020). Ripple effect modeling of supplier disruption: Integrated Markov Chain and Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach. International Journal of Production Research, 58(11), 3284-3303.
  36. Ivanov D., Rozhkov M. (2020). Coordination of production and ordering policies under capacity disruption and product write-off risk: An analytical study with real-data based simulations of a fast moving consumer goods company. Annals of Operations Research, 291(1-2), 387-407.
  37. Kinra A., Ivanov D., Das A., Dolgui A. (2020). Ripple effect quantification by supply risk exposure assessment. International Journal of Production Research, 58(19), 5559-5578.
  38. Hosseini S., Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2019). Review of quantitative methods for supply chain resilience analysis. Transportation Research: Part E, 125, 285-307.
  39. Chen H.Y., Das, A., Ivanov, D. (2019). Building resilience and managing post-disruption supply chain recovery: Lessons from the information and communication technology industry. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 330-342.
  40. Ivanov D. (2018) Revealing interfaces of supply chain resilience and sustainability: a simulation study. International Journal of Production Research, 56(10), 3507-3523 [#1 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2018].
  41. Pavlov A., Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2018) Hybrid fuzzy-probabilistic approach to supply chain resilience assessment. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65(2), 303-315.
  42. Popov I., Krylatov A., Zakhrov V., Ivanov D. (2017). Competitive energy consumption under transmission constraints in a multi-supplier power grid system. International Journal of Systems Science, 48(5), 994-1001.
  43. Sokolov, B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Pavlov A. (2016). Structural quantification of the ripple effect in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 54(1), 152-169.
  44. Ivanov D., Pavlov A., Sokolov B. (2016) Exact and heuristic methods for integrated supply chain structure reliability analysis. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 10(2), 206-224.
  45. Sokolov B., Yusupov R., Ivanov D. (2015). Conceptual Description of Integrated Risk Modelling Problems for Managerial Decisions in Complex Organizational and Technical Systems, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 18(3-4), 288-306.
  46. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2013) Control and system-theoretic identification of the supply chain dynamics domain for planning, analysis, and adaptation of performance under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 224(2), 313-323.
  47. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2013) Multi-disciplinary analysis of interfaces “Supply Chain Event Management – RFID – Control Theory”, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 8, 52-66.
  48. Archipov A., Ivanov, D. (2011). An entropy-based approach to simultaneous analysis of supply chain structural complexity and adaptation potential, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 3, No. 2, pp. 180-197.
  49. Ivanov, D., Arkhipov A. (2011) Analysis of structure adaptation potential in designing supply chains in an agile supply chain environment, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 6(2), 165-180
Area „Digital Supply Chain, Industry 4.0 and Cyber-Physical Systems"
  1. Zheng, G., Ivanov, D., & Brintrup, A. (2025). An adaptive federated learning system for information sharing in supply chains. International Journal of Production Research,
  2. Dolgui, A., & Ivanov, D. (2025). Internet of behaviors: conceptual model, practical and theoretical implications for supply chain and operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 63(1), 1-8.
  3. Chen, W., Choi, TM., Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Pesch, E. (2025). Digital manufacturing and supply chain: creating benefits through operations research and artificial intelligence. Annals of Operations Research,
  4. Xue, J., Li, G., Ivanov, D. (2025). Digital transformation in the blockchain era: Balancing efficiency and resilience in operations management. International Journal of Production Economics, 282, 109525.
  5. Li, X., Krivtsov, V., Pan, C., Nassehi, A., Gao, RX, Ivanov, D. (2024). End-to-End Supply Chain Resilience Management using Deep Learning, Survival Analysis, and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Production Research,
  6. Ivanov, D. (2024). Conceptualisation of a 7-element digital twin framework in supply chain and operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 62(6), 2220-2232.
  7. Jackson, I., Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Namdar, J. (2024). Generative artificial intelligence in supply chain and operations management: a capability-based framework for analysis and implementation. International Journal of Production Research, 62(17), 6120-6145.
  8. Aron, C., Sgarbossa, F., Ballot, E., Ivanov, D. (2024). Cloud material handling systems: a cyber-physical system to enable dynamic resource allocation and digital Interoperability. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 35, 3815-3836.
  9. Jackson, I., Saenz, M., Ivanov, D. (2024). From natural language to simulations: applying AI to automate simulation modelling of logistics systems. International Journal of Production Research, 62(4), 1434-1457.
  10. Ivanov, D., Guo, Z., Shen, B., Chang, Q. (2024). Analysis, Optimization, and Collaboration in Digital Manufacturing and Supply Chain Systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 269, 109130.
  11. Ivanov, D. (2024). Digital supply chain management and technology to enhance resilience by building and using end-to-end visibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 10485-10495.
  12. Ardolino M., Bacchetti A., Dolgui A., Franchini, G., Ivanov D., Nair, A. (2024). The impacts of digital technologies on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic in the manufacturing industry: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Production Research, 62(5), 1953-1976.
  13. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D. (2023). Metaverse supply chain and operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 61(23), 8179-8191.
  14. Jackson I., Ivanov D. (2023). A beautiful shock? Exploring the impact of pandemic shocks on the accuracy of AI forecasting in the beauty care industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 180, 103360.
  15. Ivanov, D. (2023). The Industry 5.0 framework: viability-based integration of the resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity perspectives. International Journal of Production Research, 61(5), 1683-1695. [#1 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2023].
  16. Ivanov, D. (2023). Intelligent Digital Twin (iDT) for Supply Chain Stress-Testing, Resilience, and Viability. International Journal of Production Economics, 263, 108938.
  17. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2022). Cloud Supply Chain: Integrating Industry 4.0 and Digital Platforms in the “Supply Chain-as-a-Service”. Transportation Research – Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 160, 102676.
  18. Dolgui A., Ivanov D., (2022). 5G in Digital Supply Chain and Operations Management: Fostering Flexibility, End-to-End Connectivity and Real-Time Visibility through Internet-of-Everything. International Journal of Production Research, 60(2), 442-451.[listed in top cited papers in IJPR in 2021/2022].
  19. Li G., Xue J., Li N., Ivanov D. (2022). Blockchain-supported business model design, supply chain resilience, and firm performance. Transportation Research – Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 163, 102773.
  20. Fragapane G., Ivanov D., Peron M, Sgarbossa F., Strandhagen J.O. (2022). Increasing flexibility and productivity in Industry 4.0 production networks with autonomous mobile robots and smart intralogistics. Annals of Operations Research, 308, 125–143.
  21. Choi, TM., Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Pesch, E. (2022). OR and analytics for digital, resilient, and sustainable manufacturing 4.0. Annals of Operations Research, 310(1), 1-6.
  22. Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2021). A digital supply chain twin for managing the disruptions risks and resilience in the era of Industry 4.0. Production Planning and Control, 32(9), 775-788.
  23. Ivanov D., Tang C.S., Dolgui A., Battini D., Das A. (2021). Researchers’ Perspectives on Industry 4.0: Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Opportunities for Operations Management. International Journal of Production Research, 59(7), 2055-2078.
  24. Rai, R., Tiwari, MK, Ivanov D., & A. Dolgui (2021). Machine learning in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 applications. International Journal of Production Research, 59(16), 4773-4778.[listed in top cited papers in IJPR in 2021/2022].
  25. Frazzon, E.M.., Freitag, M., Ivanov, D. (2021). Intelligent Methods and Systems for Decision-Making Support: Toward Digital Supply Chain Twins. International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102281.
  26. Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Potryasaev S., Sokolov B., Ivanova M., Werner F. (2020). Blockchain-oriented dynamic modelling of smart contract design and execution control in the supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 58(7), 2184-2199. [#2 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2020].
  27. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Sokolov, B. (2019). The impact of digital technology and Industry 4.0 on the ripple effect and supply chain risk analytics. International Journal of Production Research, 57(3), 829-846. [#2 in top cited papers in IJPR in 2019].
  28. Panetto H., Iung B., Ivanov D., Weichhart G., Wang X. (2019). Challenges for the cyber-physical manufacturing enterprises of the future. Annual Reviews in Control, 47, 200-213.
  29. Cavalcante, I.M., Frazzon E.M., Forcellinia, F.A., Ivanov, D. (2019). A supervised machine learning approach to data-driven simulation of resilient supplier selection in digital manufacturing. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 86-97.
  30. Ivanov, D., Sethi S., Dolgui A., Sokolov, B. (2018). A survey on the control theory applications to operational systems, supply chain management and Industry 4.0. Annual Reviews in Control, 46, 134-147.
  31. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Dolgui, A., Werner, F., Ivanova, M. (2016). A dynamic model and an algorithm for short-term supply chain scheduling in the smart factory Industry 4.0. International Journal of Production Research, 54(2), 386-402 [Best Paper Award IJPR].
  32. Ivanov D., Teich, T., Sokolov B. (2013) Task re-allocation in temporary production networks, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 8, 107-120.
  33. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B. (2012) The Inter-Disciplinary Modelling of Supply Chains in the Context of Collaborative Multi-Structural Cyber-Physical Networks, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 23(8), 976-997.
  34. Teich, T., Ivanov, D. (2012) Integrated customer-oriented product design and process networking of supply chains in virtual environments. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 11(1), 48-61.
  35. Ivanov D. (2009) DIMA – A Research Methodology for Comprehensive Multi-Disciplinary Modelling of Production and Logistics Networks. International Journal of Production Research, 47; 5; 1153-1173.
  36. Ivanov D., Kaeschel J., Sokolov B. (2009) Structure dynamics control-based framework for adaptive reconfiguration of collaborative enterprise networks. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 17. No.1-2, pp.23-41.
  37. Ivanov D. (2009) Supply chain multi-structural (re)design. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 5(1), 19-37.
  38. Ivanov D., Kaeschel J., Sokolov B. (2007) Integrated Modeling of Agile Enterprise Networks. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, Vol. 2(1), pp. 23-49.
  39. Ivanov D., Arkhipov, A., Sokolov, B. (2007): Intelligent planning and control of manufacturing supply chains in virtual enterprises. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol.11, No. 2, pp.209-227.

Articles in national peer-reviewed journals (in Russian)

  1. Ivanov D, Sokolov B., Ivanova M. (2018). Analysis of transformation trends in enterprise management principles in the era of Industry 4.0 technology. SPIIRAS Journal, 5(60), 97-127.
  2. Ivanov D, Ivanova M. (2015). Uncertainties and risks in supply chains: state-of-the-art, classifications and future research avenues, Russian Journal of Management, 13(2), 99-128.
  3. Sokolov B., Ivanov D. (2014). Conceptual basics of risk management for supply chain design in virtual enterprises. Problems of Risks Analysis, Vol. 11(3), pp. 68–77.

Book chapters

  1. MacCarthy B., Ivanov D. (2022). The Digital Supply Chain—emergence, concepts, definitions, and technologies. In: MacCarthy B., Ivanov D. (Eds.). The Digital Supply Chain. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 3-14.
  2. Zhang G., MacCarthy B., Ivanov D. (2022). The cloud, platforms, and digital twins—Enablers of the digital supply chain. In: MacCarthy B., Ivanov D. (Eds.). The Digital Supply Chain. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 77-91.
  3. Dolgui, A., Ivanov, D., Peron, M., Sgarbossa, F. (2022). Expected trends in production networks for mass personalization in the cloud technology era. In: Mourtzis, D.(Ed.). Design and Operation of Production Networks for Mass Personalization in the Era of Cloud Technology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 13-38.
  4. Peron M., Sgarbossa D., Ivanov D., Dolgui A. (2022). Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (Eds.). Supply Network Dynamics and Control. Springer, Cham, pp. 121-146.
  5. Holzwarth A., Staib C., Ivanov D. (2022). Building Viable Digital Business Ecosystems with Collaborative Supply Chain Platform SupplyOn. In: Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (Eds.). Supply Network Dynamics and Control. Springer, Cham, pp. 187-210.
  6. Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Sokolov, B. (2022). Introduction to Supply Network Dynamics and Control. In: Dolgui A., Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (Eds.). Supply Network Dynamics and Control. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-10.
  7. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Dolgui A. (2020). Introduction to scheduling in Industry 4.0 and cloud manufacturing systems. In: Sokolov B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. (Eds). Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. Springer, New York, pp. 1-10.
  8. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Werner F., Dolgui A. (2020). Proactive scheduling and reactive real time control in Industry 4.0. In: Sokolov B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. (Eds). Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. Springer, New York, pp. 11-38.
  9. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B. (2020). Integrated scheduling of information services and logistics flows in the omnichannel system. In: Sokolov B., Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. (Eds). Scheduling in Industry 4.0 and Cloud Manufacturing. Springer, New York, pp. 125-140.
  10. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov B. (2019). Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain: Definitions, Frameworks and Future Research Perspectives, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 1-33.
  11. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B. (2019). A model of an integrated analytics decision support system for situational proactive control of recovery processes in service-modularized supply chain, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 129-144.
  12. Ivanov, D., Pavlov A., Sokolov B. (2019). Performance impact analysis of disruption propagations in the supply chain, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 163-180.
  13. Ivanov, D. (2019). Entropy-based analysis and quantification of supply chain recoverability, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 193-208.
  14. Ivanov, D., Rozhkov M. (2019). Disruption tails and revival policies in the supply chain, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 229-260.
  15. Das A., Gottlieb S., Ivanov, D. (2019). Managing disruptions and the ripple effect in digital supply chains: empirical case studies, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 261-285.
  16. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Das A., Sokolov B. (2019). Digital supply chain twins: Managing the Ripple effect, resilience and disruption risks by data-driven optimization, simulation, and visibility, in Ivanov D. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Ripple Effects in the Supply Chain. Springer, New York, pp. 309-332.
  17. Gottlieb S., Ivanov D., Das A (2019). Case studies of the digital technology impacts on supply chain disruption risk management. In: M. Schröder and K. Wegner (Eds) Logistik im Wandel der Zeit: Von der Produktionssteuerung zu vernetzten Supply Chains. Springer Nature, Wiesbaden, pp. 23-52.
  18. Ivanov D., Wendler E. (2017). Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Disruption Management. In: Handbook of disaster risk reduction and management. Editors: C.N. Madu and C. Kuei, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing, London.
  19. Sokolov B., Trofimova I., Ivanov D., Krylov A. (2017) Control Theory Application to Complex Technical Objects Scheduling Problem Solving. In: Silhavy R., Senkerik R., Kominkova Oplatkova Z., Prokopova Z., Silhavy P. (eds) Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 574. Springer, Cham, pp 172-179.
  20. Ivanova M., Ivanov, D. (2016). Supply Chain Flexibilität und Produktionsstrategien, in: Keidel J. et al. (Eds.) Modelle und Methoden zur Entscheidungsunterstützung für betriebswirtschaftliche Wertschöpfungsnetze (Festschrift Prof. Dr. Joachim Käschel). Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, pp. 5-22.
  21. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Solovyeva I. (2016). Integrated planning and scheduling with dynamic analysis and control of service level and costs, in Talbi E.G., Yalaoui, F., Amodeo L. (Eds.) Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling, Springer, pp. 263-283, ISBN 978-3-319-23349-9
  22. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Ivanova M. (2016). Dynamic coordination of the service supply chains, in: Choi J. (Ed.) Service Supply Chain Systems, CRC Press, pp. 9-26.
  23. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Solovyeva, I., Potryasaev, S. (2014). Analysis of supply chain robustness and adaptation with the help of attainable sets and positional optimization. In: Werner, F. & Sotskov, Y. (Eds.) Sequencing and Scheduling with Inaccurate Data. Nova Publishers, pp. 225-252.
  24. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Käschel J. (2013) Adaptation-based supply chain resilience, in: Supply Chain Safety Management: Achieving Security and Robustness in Logistics, : Michael Eßig / Michael Hülsmann / Eva-Maria Kern / Stephan Klein-Schmeink, Springer, pp. 267-290.
  25. Ivanov D. (2012). Developing an adaptive framework for sustainable supply networks, in: Handbook of Sustainability Management, Editors: C.N. Madu and C. Kuei, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing, London, pp. 109-131.
  26. Ivanov D. (2011). Adaptation and supply chain management, in: Innovations in Logistics (Vol. 2), Ed. by A. Butrin. Tschelyabinsk, YUrGU, pp- 77-83 (in Russian).
  27. Sokolov, B., Ivanov, D., Fridman, A. (2010). Situational Modelling for Structure Dynamics Control of Industrial Processes and Supply Chains. In: Sgurev, V., Hadjinski, M., Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.) Intelligent Systems: From Theory to Practice, London: Springer, pp. 279-308.

Editor conference proceedings

  1. Bernard A., Dolgui A., Benderbal H.H., Ivanov D., Lemoine D., Sgarbossa F. (Eds.) (2022). Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022, Nantes, France, June 22-24, 2022. IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10), 1-3322.
  2. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Yalaoui F. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany, August 28-30, 2019. IFAC PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1-2838.
  3. Dolgui A., Grubbström R., Ivanov D., Yalaoui F. (Eds.) (2016). 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM2016, Troyes, France, June 28-30, 2016. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), 1-1962.

Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)

  1. Martignago, M., Nguyen, P., Katiraee, N., Calzavara, M., Ivanov, D. (2024). Network science indicators and their relationship with performance during disruptions: a case study. 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2024, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58(19), 1150-1155.
  2. Martignago, M., Calzavara, M., Katiraee, N., Ivanov, D., Battini, D. (2023). Application of performance and network indicators in supply chain resilience. 27th International Conference on Production Research.
  3. Warmbier, P., Kinra, A., Ivanov, D. (2023). Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience Under Uncertainty: Paradoxes and Responses. Academy of Management Proceedings,  2023(1),
  4. Nguyen, P., Ivanov, D., Sgarbossa, F. (2023). A Digital Twin–Based Approach to Reinforce Supply Chain Resilience: Simulation of Semiconductor Shortages. Alfnes, E et al. (Eds.). Advances in Production Management Systems, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference APMS 2023, Part IV, pp. 563-576, Springer Nature, Cham.
  5. Prathapage, H., Ivanov, D., Sgarbossa, F. (2023). Product Recovery Options in Closed Loop Supply Chain Networks: A Literature Review. Alfnes, E et al. (Eds.). Advances in Production Management Systems, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference APMS 2023, Part IV, pp. 607-619, Springer Nature, Cham.
  6. Warmbier, P., Kinra, A., Ivanov, D. (2022). Supply Chain Sustainability and Resilience – Relationship and Congruent Capability Analysis based on Paradox Theory. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022,  IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10), 311-316.
  7. Liu, Y., Ivanov, D. (2022). The Interaction between Dual Sourcing and Blockchain Adoption under Yield Uncertainty. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022,  IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10), 1998-2004.
  8. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. , Sokolov, B., Ivanova, M. (2022). Integrated simulation-optimization modeling framework of resilient design and planning of supply chain networks. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022,  IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10), 2713-2718.
  9. Aldrighetti R., Calzavara, M., Zennaro, I., Battini D., Ivanov D. (2022). A methodological framework for efficient and resilient supply network design. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022,  IFAC PapersOnLine, 55(10), 2840-2845.
  10. Gast, J., Kirkach, E., Ivanov, D. (2022). Structured literature review of transport networks and supply chain resilience. Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2022, 469-496.
  11. Aldrighetti R., Battini D., Ivanov D. (2021). Increasing supply chain resilience through efficient redundancy allocation: a risk-averse mathematical model. 17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(1), 1011-1016.
  12. Galka, S., Reggelin, T., Lang, S., Ivanov, D. (2021). Introduction to the Minitrack “Modeling and Decision Making inManufacturing and Logistics in the Age of Industry 4.0”. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1643-1644.
  13. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A. (2019). New disruption risk management perspectives in supply chains: digital twins, the ripple effect, and resileanness. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 337-342.
  14. Ivanov, D., Rozhkov M. (2019). Disruption tails and post-disruption instability mitigation in the supply chain. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 343-348.
  15. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Ivanova M., Sokolov B. (2019) Intellectualization of control: cyber-physical supply chain risk analytics. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 355-360.
  16. Eshaghi Chaleshtori A., Jahani, H., Abdollah, A., Ivanov, D. (2019) A multi-layer congested facility location problem with consideration of impatient customers in a queuing system. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 2279-2284.
  17. Blekanov, I., Krylatov, A., Ivanov, D., Bubnova, Y. (2019) Big Data Analysis in Social Networks for Managing Risks in Clothing Industry. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 1710-1714.
  18. Jahani, H., Alavifard, F., Ivanov, D., Ghasemishabankareh, B. (2019) Managing the risk of supply chain bankruptcy in supply chain network redesign. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019), edited by Dmitry Ivanov, Alexandre Dolgui, Farouk Yalaoui. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 2431-2436.
  19. Rozhkov M., B., Ivanov, D. (2018). Contingency production-inventory control policies for capacity disruptions in the retail supply chain with perishable products. 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018, IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 1448-1452.
  20. Dolgui A., Ivanov, D., Sethi S., Sokolov, B. (2018). Control theory applications to operations systems, supply chains and Industry 4.0 networks. 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018, IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 1536-1541.
  21. Ivanov D., Dolgui A., Ivanova M., Sokolov B. (2018) Simulation Vs. Optimization Approaches to Ripple Effect Modelling in the Supply Chain. In: Freitag M., Kotzab H., Pannek J. (eds) Dynamics in Logistics. LDIC 2018, Bremen 20-22, 2018. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer, Cham, pp. 34-39 (Commended Award of LDIC 2018).
  22. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Sokolov, B., Ivanova M. (2017). Optimal control representation of the mathematical programming model for supply chain dynamic reconfiguration. IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1, pp. 4994–4999, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, July 9-14, 2017.
  23. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Sokolov, B. (2017). A dynamic approach to multi-stage job shop scheduling in an Industry 4.0-based flexible assembly system. In: Lödding, H., Riedel, R., Thoben, K.-D., Kiritsis, D., von Cieminski, G. (Eds.) Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part I, pp. 475-482.
  24. Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., Sokolov, B., Ivanova M. (2016). Disruptions in supply chains and recovery policies: state-of-the art review. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2016), Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Robert Grubbström, Dmitry Ivanov and Farouk Yalaoui, pp. 1436-1441.
  25. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Ivanova M. (2016). Schedule coordination in cyber-physical supply networks Industry 4.0. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2016), Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Robert Grubbström, Dmitry Ivanov and Farouk Yalaoui, pp. 839-844.
  26. Zschorn L., Mueller S., Ivanov, D. (2016). Cost analysis of capacity flexibility in a hybrid multiple-line production system at Siemens AG. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2016), Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Robert Grubbström, Dmitry Ivanov and Farouk Yalaoui, pp. 1278-1282.
  27. Sokolov, B., Potryasaev, , Benyamna, K.., Sokolova, I., Ivanov, D. (2016). Methodical and technical basis for interdisciplinary investigations in the field of cyber-physical-socio systems. Proceedings International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation MAS 2016, pp. 104-111.
  28. Sokolov, B., Kalinin, V., Nemykin, S., Ivanov, D. (2016). Models and algorithms for abilities evaluation of active moving objects control system. Proceedings 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2016 467-473
  29. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B. (2015). Coordination of the Supply Chain Schedules with Re-Scheduling Considerations. IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 48, Issue 3, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba, pp. 1509-1514.
  30. Sokolov, B., Ivanov, D. (2015). Integrated scheduling of material flows and information services in Industry 4.0 supply networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 48, Issue 3, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba, pp. 1533-1538.
  31. Ivanov, D., Dolgui A., Sokolov, B. (2015). Supply Chain Design with Disruption Considerations: Review of Research Streams on the Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain. IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 48, Issue 3, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba, pp. 1700-1707.
  32. Dolgui A., Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Solovyeva I., Jie F. (2015). Ripple Effect in the Time-Critical Food Supply Chains and Recovery Policies, IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 48, Issue 3, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Edited by Alexandre Dolgui, Jurek Sasiadek and Marek Zaremba, pp. 1682-1687.
  33. Solovyeva I., Sokolov B., Ivanov D. (2015). Analysis of Position Optimization Method Applicability in Supply Chain Management Problem Analysis of position optimization method applicability in supply chain management problem. „Stability and Control Processes“ in Memory of V.I. Zubov (SCP), 2015 International Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEEE, 498–500.
  34. Zelentsov V., Pavlov A., Potryasaev S., Sokolov B., Yusupov R., Ivanov D. (2015). Methods and algorithms of complex technology modelling for proactive control of complex objects and their effectiveness evaluation. In: Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems / Proceedings of the Twelfth International Scientific School MA SR – 2015 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, November 17 – 19, 2015.
  35. Sokolov B., Ivanov D., Palvov A., Slinko A. (2015) Simulation of critical infrastructure resilience. In: Proceedings of the All-Russian conference “Simulation: Theory and Practice”, Moscow, Vol. 1, pp. 162-167.
  36. Potryasaev, S.A; Sokolov, B.V.; Ivanov, D. (2014) „Analysis of dynamic scheduling robustness with the help of attainable sets“ International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications (ICCTPEA), pp 143-144.
  37. Potryasaev, S.A; Sokolov, B.V.; Ivanov, D. (2014) „Control theory application to spacecraft scheduling problem“ International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications (ICCTPEA), pp 145-146.
  38. Ivanov, D., Boris V. Sokolov, Alexander N. Pavlov (2014) Reconfiguration model for production-inventory-transportation planning in a supply network // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS). September 10-12 2014, Bordeaux, France, pp. 34-39.
  39. Ivanov, D., Boris V. Sokolov, Semyon A. Potryasaev (2014). A Dynamic Model And An Algorithm For Supply Chain Scheduling Problem // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS). September 10-12 2014, Bordeaux, France, pp. 85-91.
  40. Pavlov A., Sokolov B., Ivanov D. (2014) Multi-criteria planning and dynamic parametrical synthesis of supply chains. Proceedings of XII Russian Control Conference, June 2014, Moscow, pp. 4467-4476.
  41. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Hartl, R., Pavlov, A. (2013). Structure dynamics control-based integration of aggregate distribution and dynamic transportation planning. Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM’13), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19-21, 2013, A. Dolgui, N. Bakhtadze (Eds.), Elsevier Science, pp. 1920-1925.
  42. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Solovyeva, I. (2013). Application of control theoretic tools to supply chain event management. Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM’13), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19-21, 2013, A. Dolgui, N. Bakhtadze (Eds.), Elsevier Science, pp. 1926-1931.
  43. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Kaeschel J. (2013) Integrated dynamic analysis of supply chain economic and environmental sustainability, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Conference, pp. 277-288.
  44. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2012). Structure dynamics control-based service scheduling in collaborative cyber-physical supply networks, in Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on Virtual Enterprises PRO-VE 2012, pp.280-288.
  45. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A. (2012). Model-supported and scenario-oriented analysis of optimal distribution plans in supply networks, in Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2012): ISBN: 978-0-9564944-5-0.
  46. Ivanov, D., B. Sokolov, A. Dolgui (2012). Attainable Sets and Their Possible Applications to Supply Chain Analysis Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM12), Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012, T. Borangiu, I. Dumitrache, A. Dolgui, F. Filip (Eds.), Elsevier Science, 2012, (ISSN 1474-6670), p. T74 – T79.
  47. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Pavlov A. (2012). Structure dynamics control-based integrated logistics planning in the supply chain, in Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium INCOM 2012, Bucharest, Romania, Elsevier Science, 2012, (ISSN 1474-6670).
  48. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Dolgui A. (2011). Applicability of control theory to adaptive supply chain planning and scheduling, Invited keynote paper, in Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Milano, 28 August – 2 September 2011. [CD]. Prague: International Federation of Automatic Control, 2011. P. 423–434.
  49. Sokolov B., Dashevsky V., Ivanov D. (2011). RFID-based adaptive feedbacks between supply chain scheduling and execution control, in Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Milano, 28 August – 2 September 2011. [CD]. Prague: International Federation of Automatic Control, 2011. P. 435–440.
  50. Ivanov D., Sokolov B. (2011). Structure dynamics control-based supply chain planning with multi-dimensional dynamic characteristics, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Production Research ICPR 2011, Stuttgart. [CD].
  51. Tolujew J., Ivanov D. (2011) Engineering traditions in simulation of production and logistics systems, Plenary Paper. Proceedings of the 5th All-Russian Conference on Simulation IMMOD 2011, St. Petersburg, 21-23 October, pp. 19-27.
  52. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Ragunia E. (2011). Integrated Planning Of Supply Chain Business Processes And Disaster-Tolerance Information Systems, in Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2011), Krakow, Poland, June, 7–10, 2011. pp. 159-165.
  53. Ivanov D., Sokolov, B. (2011) Control theoretic perspectives on networked logistics and SCM problems with dynamic multi-dimensional characteristics, in: Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics Workshop DR-LOG 2011, Gottingen, Cuvillier Verlag, pp. 15-27.
  54. Ivanov D., Sokolov B., Ivanova M. (2011) Integrated scheduling and control with RFID-driven feedbacks for complex international supply chains, in: Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics Workshop DR-LOG 2011, Gottingen, Cuvillier Verlag, pp. 308-319.
  55. Ivanov D., Käschel J., Arkhipov A., Ivanova M. (2011) Supply Chain Flexibilität und mögliche quantitative Ansätze, in: Dynamics and Sustainability in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Proceedings of the 6th German-Russian Logistics Workshop DR-LOG 2011, Gottingen, Cuvillier Verlag, pp. 189-197.
  56. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Kaeschel, J. (2010). Integrated adaptive design and planning of supply networks. In: W. Dangelmaier et al. (Eds.), Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainable Logistics, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 46, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 152-163.
  57. Sokolov B., Ivanov D., Vinel A., Zelentsov V. 2010 On the use of RFID for supply chain scheduling and execution control. In: Proceedings of the 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Prague.
  58. Sokolov, B., Zelentzsov V., Fridman, A., Ivanov, D. (2010). Methods and algorithms of multi-criteria efficiency evaluation of joint restructuring of information and business systems, in: Proceedings of International Scientific School „Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems“. 2010. Saint-Petersburg. Russia. pp. 350-353.
  59. Pavlov A., Sorokin M., Osipenko S., Ivanov D. (2009) Analytical-simulation approach to structural reliability and resilience of complex systems. Proceedings of the 4th All-Russian Conference on Simulation IMMOD 2009, St. Petersburg, 21-23 October, pp. 199-203.
  60. Ivanov, D., Sokolov B., Kaeschel J. (2009) Combined application of operations research and optimal control: a new viewpoint on supply chain problem semantic. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Operational Research SOR’09 in Slovenia, Nova Gorica, September 23-25, 2009, pp. 259-268
  61. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Verzilin, D., Zaychik, E. (2009). Parametrical adaptation of models describing structure dynamics control processes in complex technical systems. Proceedings of the 23nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2009), Madrid, Spain, June, 9–12, 2009. pp. 345-351
  62. Ivanov, D., Teich T. (2009) Management concept and tools of competence-cell based modularized agile supply chains. Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM’09, Moscow, Russia, 3-5 June, 2009,
  63. Ivanov D., Ivanova M. (2008) A Framework of Adaptive Control for Production and Logistics Networks, in: “Dynamics in Logistics”, Eds. H.D. Haasis, H.-J. Kreowski, B. Scholz-Reiter, Springer, 2008, pp.151-159.
  64. Ivanov, D., Sokolov, B., Zaychik, E. (2008) Models and an Algorithm for Multi-Criteria Synthesis of Control Technologies Managing Information Systems in Virtual Enterprises. in: Proceedings of the 22th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation ESMS 2008, June 3-6, 2008, Nicosia, Zypern, pp. 48-52.
  65. Sokolov B., Pavlov A., Kirillov N., Ikonninkova A., Ivanov D.(2008) Analysis of possible approaches to mitigating uncertainty in models of structure dynamics control, in: Proceedings of International Scientific School „Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems„. 2008. Saint-Petersburg. Russia. pp. 391-396.
  66. Ivanov D., Ikonninkova A., Potryasaev S., Sokolov B. (2007). Model and algorithm of operative contol functions redistribution between knots of a catastrophic-resistant information system. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific School „Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems„. September 4-8, 2007. Saint-Petersburg. Russia. pp. 440-445.
  67. Ivanov D. (2007) MARINA: Method of analysis, reconfiguration, and integrated network adjustment, in: Proceedings of the IFAC International Conference on Management and Control in Production and Logistics (MCPL2007), pp.408-414
  68. Ivanov D., Tolkacheva V., Arkhipov A. (2007) Assessment of Structural Stability of Collaborative Networks, in: Establishing the foundation of Collaborative Networks: Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on virtual enterprises PRO-VE 2007, Springer, pp. 75-82.
  69. Ivanov D., Kaeschel J., Sokolov B. (2007) Combined algorithms of competence-cell-based production network adaptation, in: Proceedings of the IFAC International Conference on Management and Control in Production and Logistics (MCPL2007), pp. 579-584.
  70. Ivanov D., Verzilin D., Sokolov B. (2007) Structural and parametrical analysis of enterprise networks stability, in: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation ESMS 2007, June 4-6, 2007, Prague, pp. 418-422.
  71. Ivanov, D., J. Käschel, A. Arkhipov and B. Sokolov (2006): A Conceptual Framework for Modeling Complex Adaptation of Collaborative Networks, In: Network-centric collaboration and supporting frameworks, Proceedings of the PRO-VE 2006, edited by. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, M. Ollus, Springer, pp. 15-22.
  72. Ivanov, D., Arkhipov, A., Tolkacheva, Sokolov, B. (2006) Stability Analysis in the Framework of Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty, In: Network-centric collaboration and supporting frameworks, Proceedings of the PRO-VE 2006, edited by. L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, M. Ollus, Springer, pp. 211-218.
  73. Sokolov B. V., Ivanov D.A., Zaychik E.M. (2006) The formalization and investigation of processes for structure-dynamics control models adaptation of complex business systems, in: 20th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation ESMS 2006, May 28-31, 2006, Bonn, Sankt Augustin, Germany, Proceedings, – pp. 292-295.
  74. Ivanov, L. Zschorn, J. Kaeschel, B. V. Sokolov, A.V. Archipov. (2006). Dynamical Synthesis And Reconfiguration Of Competence-Cell-Based Production Networks, Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM’06, St. Etienne, France, 17-19 Mai, 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 629-634.
  75. Ivanov D., Käschel, J., Arkhipov A., Sokolov B., Zschorn L. (2005): Quantitative Models of Collaborative Networks, In: Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments, Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on virtual enterprises PRO-VE 2005, edited by L. Camarihna-Matos, Afsarmanesh, A. Ortiz, Springer, 2005, pp. 387-394.
  76. Zschorn, L.; Ivanov, D.A., Jähn, H., Fischer, M. (2005): An Integrated Modelling Approach of Supply Chain Planning and Control in Production Networks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS 2005), Thessaloniki (Greece), July 6-8, 2005, Eds.: P. H. Ketikidis, L. S. C. Koh, pp. 40-51, 2005.
  77. Ivanov, D.A., Zschorn, L., Kaeschel, J., Sokolov, B.V., Arkhipov, A.V. (2005): Methods and tools for SCM on the basis of complex modeling, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Simulation IMMOD-2005, Saint Petersburg, Volume II, pp. 103-107.
  78. Arkhipov, A.V., Ivanov, D.A., Yriew, W.N. (2004)Production network modeling on the basis of multi-agent systems, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Systems Analysis, Saint Petersburg, 2004, Part II, pp. 13-17.
  79. Ivanov, D., Arkhipov, A., Sokolov, B. (2004): Intelligent Supply Chain Planning in Virtual Enterprises. In: Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks, Proceedings of the IFIP Conference on virtual enterprises PRO-VE 2004, edited by L. Camarihna-Matos, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 215-223.