
Mobile Berührungslose Identitätsprüfung Im Anwendungsfeld Migration


Bundesdruckerei is a technology supplier for changing identity management in the public and private sector. The Internet and worldwide mobility make protecting personal data and verifying identities a demanding task. Bundesdruckerei is established in this emerging field as a globally-recognized source of innovation. Not only is it a leader in the printing of banknotes, it has also become an international provider of full ID management and manages the entire process chain from “Secure Identity,” the collection and management of biographical and biometric data, the production and personalization of the latest ID documents, and systems for the output and verification of these documents. It creates the infrastructure so that citizens, authorities and companies can use the documents in the digital world.


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IDEMIA is a leading provider of technologies for identifying and managing personal identities. IDM is part of the company IDEMIA based in France, which was recently created through the merger of MORPHO and Oberthur.


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Procilon Group

The Procilon Group, based in Taucha near Leipzig and with branches in Berlin and Dortmund, is one of the leading providers of IT security solutions for companies, institutions and public institutions. Its in-house developed software solutions based on electronic certificates have secured digital identities and communication for more than 15 years.


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Free University of Berlin – Department of Computer Science

The Identity Management Working Group at the Department of Computer Science at the Free University of Berlin conducts research in the field of mobile security, with a focus on secure identification and authentication methods.


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Berlin School of Economics and Law

The FÖPS Berlin has been managing the security-related research activities of the HWR Berlin since 2013. The analysis and evaluation of new information technology instruments is one of the main foci of the institute. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden, deputy director of FÖPS Berlin, is among others distinguished by legal, political and administrative research on data protection and police information exchange. Internationally, comparative perspectives and the increasing networking in the EU multilevel system and beyond play a central role in his research. Prof. Aden also has relevant practical experience as an official data protection officer at the HWR. As an expert, he regularly comments on relevant legislative proposals in the German Bundestag and the state parliaments. With its specialized expertise, FÖPS Berlin will lead AP2 and, in close cooperation with the other work packages, will define the legal requirements for the identification technology to be developed as well as the ethical and political-administrative framework for its testing and introduction across all technical developments of the overall project.


Associate Partners

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Forensic Institute of the Berlin Police Department

The LKA Berlin Forensic Science Institute (LKA KTI) is the central office for forensic science and technology in the Berlin police force. The LKA KTI employs more than 430 people from various areas of engineering, natural sciences and humanities, the criminal and protective police, and administration. The employees carry out all forensic investigations in criminal investigations on behalf of the police, public prosecutors and courts. The expert opinion will be made available to the applicant and, if necessary, represented by the LKA CTI experts in court. Searching aids or investigative tips in the form of immediate analyzes (“short reports”) can be given within a very short time. The LKA KTI is responsible for securing evidence at the scene of an offense, analyzes and evaluates dangerous situations (chemical, biological, radioactive), carries out fire site investigations and defuses objects suspected of being explosives.

Quality assurance measures, such as the accreditation of examination procedures and participation in proficiency tests as well as participation in national and international committee work ensure the high level of knowledge required in modern forensic crime science and technology.


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Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (BLKA)

The Bavarian LKA is the central office of the Bavarian state police for information, examination, investigation, and prevention. It is the headquarters for police data processing and data transmission, the telecommunications office for message transmission and the largest criminal investigation agency in Bavaria. With more than 1,600 employees, including around 210 scientific staff at the crime-technical institute, it is also responsible for research and development in the areas of identification services, forensic technology and criminology.