Moodle Quick & Easy: switching roles – seeing the course with different eyes

22 Sep, 2022

In Moodle there are different roles with different rights. The most common roles are instructor and student. Moodle allows teachers to view course content from the perspective of other roles. Of particular interest here is the student view. In this Moodle Quick & Easy we would like to show you how to change the view in the course to that of a student.
Moodle, sign series for computers, education, internet and technology.
Change view:

Since teachers have different rights within a course than students, they also have a different view of the course content. When creating this course content, it can therefore be interesting to see the course from the student’s point of view. Moodle offers them the “Switch role to …” feature for this purpose.

To change the view to that of another role, click on your name in the upper right corner of a course and then select “Switch role to …” from the dropdown menu that opens. Moodle will then offer you a selection of roles from which you can choose the one you want. By clicking on the desired role, you have now changed the view within the course for yourself.



Reset view:


To switch back to your original view, you will need to select “Return to my normal role” either again from the drop-down menu or in the text box above the course content.
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