This was the result of an intensive exchange process between the S.A.M. project team, the provider Simovative and us, the E-Learning-Center. The first step was to take a survey of the current situation. Up to now, the university had worked with three campus management systems, which will now be consolidated into one. Until now, there were for example also different course names.
We then defined which criteria the new interface to Moodle should fulfil and which developments would be required on the part of the provider. Among other things, the course names should be standardised. It should still be possible to classify courses according to subject area – degree programme – semester.
What is new for lecturers?
Courses are no longer provided in Moodle centrally by the ELZ. The colleagues responsible within the department administration decide by settings in S.A.M. whether courses are to be transferred to Moodle. They are therefore also the contact person if a course is not yet available in Moodle.
When courses are created in Moodle, they are initially set to invisible. This allows lecturers to fill the courses with content and to decide for themselves when the course should be visible to students. We have created a short guide here that explains how to make courses visible.
Furthermore, the courses are preset with only one topic. Lecturers can add further topics by themselves To do this, click on the plus icon below the first topic in editing mode.
Course titles can no longer be customised individually in Moodle. Students and lecturers will be automatically enrolled in Moodle courses.
Moodle Quick & Easy: changing the course visibility in the course settings