Student perspective on AI Applications and ChatGPT

10 Apr., 2024

Are we entering the era of robots taking over the world, or are we elevating to the next level of obtaining information?

This question is contested and probably depends on whom you ask. There are many perspectives on the application of Artificial intelligence (AI), but one thing is certain: we have entered a new dimension in the application of technology, and there is no going back. Let’s make the best out of it. The following lines offer insight into a student’s  perspective and emphasize that technological advancement, if applied properly, can increase efficiency, and motivation for studying, and
utilize time in a better way.
AI, and most prominently ChatGPT, transform the way we learn and obtain information, complete our everyday tasks for school and work, and, in general, get information. Technological advancements, in their early beginnings, usually faced obstacles and some skepticism. It is similar in the context of AI and ChatGPT for students as well. (OpenAI, 2023)

Students are presented with extremely useful tools that can make their studies a little less demanding due to better time management options, and information concise and accessible at a glance from anywhere, at any time. With these handy tools, we can now translate content from
foreign languages accurately, get instant feedback and topic-specific information, improve our writing, create more engaging content, and get instant answers to specific terms/notions without spending too much time searching the web. Certainly, it is something that should be applied with consciousness and should not replace human activity and contribution. Thus, many professors are skeptical and often „cancel“ the application of AI in the learning process due to concerns about academic dishonesty, plagiarism in writing papers and other written assignments, and utilizing AI in exams. To some extent, it is a justified concern but instead of being concerned and unregulated, there is room for an opportunity in it. Potentially, universities and their staff could
become more open and engaging towards AI and could offer suggestions and training on how to academically successfully apply these tools. This might help to avoid the threats of misuse. It could also result in better academic performance and more engagement from students. Certainly,
this is something that has to be further researched and proved from various perspectives. 

According to IBM’s definition, AI leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind (IBM, 2024). Meanwhile, with the help of advanced natural language processing models, ChatGPT can comprehend and
produce writing that is similar to that of a person, depending on the input it is given. It uses massive datasets to pre-train its language understanding skills, working on the concepts of deep learning. (Jestor, 2023) The learning process is taken to new heights by using this advanced AI conversational tool in the classroom, providing teachers and students with exceptional chances for development and cooperation. It is personalized and „barrier-free,“ offering a text-based
interface and voice commands to ensure that each student can interact with the content in a way that best fits their interests and abilities.

Ideas for student application of AI:

1. Virtual tutors and mentors:

AI can assist in learning by simplifying complex topics and helping students comprehend new knowledge. This personalized approach offers a unique pace of learning according to specific students‘ needs.


2. Language learning:

ChatGPT and Sharly AI, along with many other AI tools, offer a range of languages, helping students access and assess content from all over the world. This aids in learning about new topics, and perspectives, and gaining insights from multiple sources, fostering multicultural cooperation.


3. Engaging exam preparation:

ChatGPT can be a great study buddy to help study for exams. It can offer various questions, topic-specific answers, and definitions, making the process fun using the „gamification“ technique where students get game scenarios, making it more rewarding and enjoyable. 

4. Structuring and planning of written assignments:

AI can offer a structure and instructions, guiding students through the process of planning and outlining assignments, saving time, and providing motivation to dive into the research once the plan is presented.


5. Formatting and tech support:

Not everyone is a tech expert, and studying requires a significant degree of IT proficiency. With the help of AI, we can get instructions for formatting, editing, and improving our content. AI tools can sort our references in papers and suggest improvements in spelling and phrasing.


This list can be extended to many more sections, depending on requirements and overall motivation. Since this is a new technology, we are still discovering its possibilities and future applications. So far, we have discovered a lot of benefits, and it already helps many students in their learning path. Simply put, AI opens new doors for efficient knowledge acquisition, and the majority of students are excited to use it and to see what future developments hold. Indeed, AI, if not navigated properly, can have negative effects, and that is why it’s crucial to use it properly. The suggestion is to integrate teachers and IT professionals in universities more, to offer training and guidance to ensure that this new technology is used efficiently, transparently, and in accordance with everyone’s expectations. Thus, students and teachers are offered an opportunity to bring teaching to the next level. The question is, will that happen in the near future?

Author: Irena, E-Scout, HWR Berlin


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